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Better Workplace News

Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.



The recognition of the legendary Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. every January is always a time of deep reflection and appreciation for me. I am so appreciative of the opportunities Dr. King was instrumental in creating for the Black community despite the challenges and opposition he faced. His strength, tenacity, and determination has served as an example to me year after year.

There are so many amazing things that Dr. King taught us, but one of my favorite quotes of his is:

“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”

What motivation and positivity! This quote encompasses the definition of positivity. Whenever times get tough, remember this quote and reflect on the challenges Dr. King faced as he strived to pave a way of freedom and peace. He lived this quote day in and day out. Always stay positive, be inspired, take action, and "keep moving forward". It is the very least we can do to continue to keep Dr. King's legacy alive.

Happy Birthday, Dr. King and many thanks to you!


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