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Better Workplace News

Writer's pictureDr. Ricks

"Bullied at Work..." E-Book Launch


“Bullied at Work…A Journey of Growth & Perseverance” is a detailed story in e-book format of the work experiences of me, Dr. Sabrina Brandon Ricks. I worked for over 20 different organizations over a 20-year period. I learned what workplace bullying was by experiencing these behaviors at three different organizations and completing my own research. The details are provided in this journey. You will read about my obstacles, struggles, perseverance, growth, development, and triumph as I dealt with challenges head on. Additionally, there are nuggets of information provided about management and leadership, areas to stop and reflect with journaling and/or discussion, and assessments that will help you determine if you have experienced workplace bullying or if you are indeed a bully yourself.

I also offer a bonus section that provides a sneak peek into the research that gave me the inspiration and motivation to create and launch SBR Workplace Leadership Services where I serve as the president. In this publication you will learn the details about what workplace bullying entails, you may identify with the many stories shared, you may learn from the stories just as I did and explain, and finally you may receive the tools you need to improve as an employee, a colleague, a manager, a leader, and as a person.

Once you read the book, I welcome your feedback. Stay tuned for the date of the virtual e-book release party!

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