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Better Workplace News

Writer's pictureDr. Ricks

The Power of Networking



The holiday season is an excellent time of year to seek the benefits of networking. You are likely being invited to different types of gatherings to celebrate the holiday season and the end of the year. There are work parties, neighborhood gatherings, family gatherings, plays and shows, and other types of entertainment gatherings. Take full advantage!

For example, if a friend of family member is introducing you to someone new, take the time to really get to know this new person and what they do. You may learn that you both have similar interests, contacts, professional goals, and more. This could be an opportunity for collaboration, even more warm introductions, or creating a new customer/client relationship. Even if none of that happens, at least you've made a new acquaintance or potential friend.

Find out more about networking during this time of year in Dr. Ricks' article in Prince William Living magazine as there are so many different opportunities:

Have a wonderful holiday season from the SBR Workplace Leadership Services family to yours!

If you would like to learn more, have a training and/or workshop about leadership and/or management skills, contact SBR Workplace Leadership Services:



OpenAI (2024). CoPilot (December 6, 2024) [Large language model].


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