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Better Workplace News

Writer's pictureDr. Ricks

Sat. Nov. 6th: Bounce Back Workshop



This is a reminder about the upcoming Bounce Back workshop taking place on THIS Saturday, Nov. 6th. It is going to be an AMAZING event with a ton of wonderful information. Your very own Dr. Ricks is a panelist and breakout speaker highlighting a lesson titled "Resiliency in the Workplace" where she will discuss address workplace conflict, workplace bullying, diversity, equity, inclusion, unconscious bias, microaggressions, and more!


As we are emerging from the pandemic that has encompassed the past 20 months for all of us, it is time to build resiliency and bounce back! This full-day workshop is led and hosted by Dr. Allison Smith, founder and president of Right Choices, Inc. Radio and social media personality, Ms. Olivia Fox, will be moderating the panel discussion.

This event will be held on Saturday, November 6, 2021 from 9:30am - 4:00pm. There is an in-person and a virtual option to meet your needs. The in-person event will take place at Northern Virginia Community College in Woodbridge, VA at 2645 College Dr.

All COVID-19 guidelines will be followed. Registration is limited to the first 50 attendees...sign up TODAY!

There will be vendors onsite, lunch, breakout sessions, a panel session, and more! There are several amazing guest speakers and panelists. Prepare to be motivated, rejuvenated, educated, and amazed!

Dr. Ricks of SBR Workplace Leadership Services will be a breakout session speaker and on the panel. She will be teaching on resiliency in the workplace. Come on out and join the session!

Registration for in-person attendees is $20.00

Registration for the virtual panel session is $5.00

We are excited to see you there!


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