SBR Workplace Leadership Services has found that many organizations across Northern Virginia and across the nation are having a more difficult time with retaining employees. Although The Great Resignation included many Baby Boomers who had reached retirement age, most recent studies have shown that there is still a mass exodus and this is primarily Generation Z (Gen Z). This generation was born between 1995 and 2012.
In order to learn more about Gen Z otherwise known as the iGen generation, see the most recent article written by Dr. Ricks in the Prince William Living magazine "Workplace Leadership" column entitled "Managing Generation Z". There is a lot to learn about this group that will be beneficial to employers as they will move into dominating the workforce over the next decade. Be prepared to recruit, retain, and groom this group to the the future leaders of your organization.
See the article here: https://princewilliamliving.com/managing-generation-z/
For training and workshops on how to lead and manage Generation Z, contact SBR Workplace Leadership Services:
